In many parts of the world, this year's Valentine's day (February 14th), will mean another COVID-19 isolation lockdown. It never was a favourite holiday of mine, when being single.
One thing I do love are the vintage Valentine cards and old pin-up photos. Most were taken in the 1940s or 50s, which was a common thing back then. So here's a salute to some of my favourites that I found online, mainly from Pinterest.
Clara Bow, Silent Film Actress in the 1928, (Three Weekends Promo Photo)

Cyd Charisse, 1940s

Lucille Ball in the 1950s

Betty Grabel in the 1940s

Lana Turner in the 1950s

Rita Hayworth, in the late 1940s

Elizabeth Montgomery, most famous for her role in Bewitched

Elizabeth Taylor in the 1950s

Marilyn Monroe, (one of the most popular ladies of all-time)
Angie Dickinson (most famous for the 1970s series Police Woman)

Debbie Harry from Blondie (1980s)

Bette Midler in the 1980s

I hope you liked the above photos, all from various sources on PINTEREST.
On a side note, we all know that Valentine's day is just another commercial holiday. But if you are going to buy a gift, skip the chocolates and flowers and give a gift - for your partner, friend, family member, or even treat yourself and buy something vintage. It's better for the environment and it's more memorable. Plus you are supporting a small business. Check out our items including earrings, cuff-links, brooches and other vintage treasures. We have a 10% sale now, until March.
Until next time,

*Cover photo - Lynn Merrick, 1940s*