When browsing through old magazines and Pinterest, I didn't realize how celebrities from the 1940s-1970s frequently endorsed products. Sure, celebrities are featured in ads today but it doesn't appear to be as prominent. Also, cigarette and alcohol ads are rarely seen these days due to health regulations.
Let's explore some cool advertisements from decades past. Whether you like the products or not, some of these ads are just great looking.
First, the top photo features Diana Ross and The Supremes endorsing Coca Cola in 1968.
Next, here's an endorsement from one of my favourite ladies from decades past...Barbara Stanwyck in 1942 for Pan-cake Make-up by Max Factor

Here's 1940s Christmas Ad for Lucky Strike Cigarettes featuring Joan Crawford. (Note: Cigarette ads are a thing of the past due to strict health regulations. But I love this ad)
Natalie Wood promoted Coro Jewelry in 1958. We love Coro Jewelry and have lots vintage items to sell.
Several stars endorsed LUX SOAP in the 1940s including....
Marlene Dietrich (circa 1943)

Loretta Young (1942)

Carole Lombard for Lux in 1941
Olivia De Havilland who passed away this year (2020) at the great age of 104.

Rita Hayworth

and Rosalind Russell

There were countless others who endorsed Lux soap but the above are some of my favourites.
Also, promoting make-up was Lucille Ball, my favourite redhead, promoted Woodbury Film Finish Powder (circa 1946)

Here's Elizabeth Taylor for Lustre-Creme Shampoo (circa 1952)

Now, let's look at some food and drink product endorsements.
First, Bob Hope for Quaker Puffed Wheat Sparkies (1947)
Veronica Lake endorsed French's Bird Seed in the 1940s
Elizabeth Montgomery (before Bewitched) for Quaker Diet Frosted Cereal

A young Liberace - promoting Blatz Beer. Little did I know he was from Milwaukee.

Here's Eartha Kitt for Smirnoff (1960s)

Sammy Davis Jr - Plop Plop Fizz Fizz for Alka Seltzer in the 1970s and he also completed a series of TV ads for this product also.

Here's the God of Horror films, Vincent Price, featured in a pasta ad for Creamettes Macaroni (1977)

and little did I know that Ella Fitzgerald promoted Jim Beam

Look - here's a cigarette ad
Kirk Douglas endorsed Chesterfield Cigarettes - back in those days doctors actually promoted smoking. Crazy!

And here's some old technology ads...
Michael Landon - Kodak Electralite Camera - I think everyone had a KODAK camera in past! (1970s)
And this is one of my favourite advertisements.. Steve Wonder for Atari from 1977.

I hope that gave you a glimpse of products past. Note: Most advertisements were found on Pinterest. No copyright infringement intended. Also, no we aren't endorsing smoking or drinking either - this was just a fun way to explore celebrities from decades past!
Remember, even though we don't sell liquor or cigarettes, we have tons of wonderful vintage treasures for sale so check out our selection! We have a 10% off sale - just in time for the holidays!
Until next time,
P.S. Don't forget to follow us on PINTEREST and INSTAGRAM
1 comment
Alicia Hursley
Thanks so much for sharing. It is crazy how much stock we put into celebrity endorsements, but also good to know that it’s been a thing for decades! I actually just cleaned out my grandpa’s garage and found a bunch of old magazines and ads. I think I even found that Michael Landon picture. Anyway, I would love to know what they’re worth if you could help me out. They’re pretty cool so I’m not going to toss them into the dumpster I rented but I also don’t want to hang onto all of them if they aren’t really worth anything,